What a summer! I’ve almost forgotten what home looks like. Two National Shows, a super quick trip to England, a Memorial for my Father-in-Law, a whirlwind trip through New England including a stop to visit Russ Kaufman at the N Scale Architect World Headquarters, a visit to the West Coast including a stop at the Queen Mary, and back to the Midwest to drop Norman off at college. The shows were all very successful and fun. Once again we handed out ice cream at the NSE-this time in Chicago. Looking forward to Nashville-also in range of the ice cream truck!!
As always, the best part of all the traveling was to meet new people and get them excited about N Scale and to catch up with old friends!
Product has started flooding in with Mikados from Broadway, a rerun of the Spirit and George Bush engines from Kato, sound equipped locomotives from Kato, more covered hoppers from Scale Trains in N and more covered hoppers and box cars in HO, Pennsylvania P70 Passenger Cars in N, and much more.