Neal’s N-Gauging Trains started about 30 years ago when Neal was working for a hobby store in St. Louis part time. That store had some spare stuff to sell and He wanted to get rid of some of his older n scale. it was agreed to try a show in Springfield Missouri, at the time he had never even been west of St. Clair. He headed west with 2 boxes of stuff and set up back to back with Richard Fisher. he, too, had surplus to sell. (long before he became challenger n scale) While still in St Louis, he started going to more shows, steadily growing the business.
Through these endeavors we had established relationships with several manufacturers, and decided to open a physical storefront in Hampton, NH. The first “storefront” was little more than a counter within Mikan Theatricals, a Theatre supply company run by Neal’s father, Michael. Shortly afterword we expanded into an actual storefront, taking up more of the room previously used by Mikan.
Several years later we outgrew that location and moved across the parking lot and into a larger location.